Friday, 25 May 2012

"Things I wish I'd known before having a baby"

Today I went to the NCT group in Rugby, and the topic for discussion was as above. At first I thought there wasn't a lot, but after a few minutes realised there were loads of things.

I wish I had known:
  • Breastfeeding is hard. For the vast majority of people it isn't as easy as shove a baby on your boob and it's fed.
  • All those things you say there's no way you'll do (co-sleep - too dangerous! Sniff their bum to see if they've pooed - too gross!) you will. 
  • You realise when you give birth you will have to show off your nether regions. You will show them to lots of people who don't seem to realise it might be a bit embarassing for you.
Things I did "know" but hadn't really thought through.
  • I had illusions of my lovely, relaxed birth where I'd be wandering around, employing various massage techniques and it'd all go OK. In reality it was flipping painful, my "wandering around" was limited to walking back and forth to the toilet repeatedly, then having to have a little lie down on the floor, or being stuck on the walk back. I couldn't stand being touched, so massage was out!
  • Everything is a contest.
There are more for both lists - I'll get back to you.

Orn had her first run-in with a bully. She was lying next to one of her little boyfriends, and I turned my back to get a mini brownie when all of a sudden there was an almighty Orn cry. A big baby had crawled up and smacked her in the head. Poor little Orn, at least it didn't bruise. I bought her a play gym on the way home which she absoutely loves (though this "surprised eyes" photo might say different!). She spent quite a while staring at the star thingy and cooing. Her favourite bit of music that it does seems to be "Eine Kleine Nachtmusic", it gets the most smiles. Later, in un-cute news she did whine and whinge for an hour while Daddy retreated to the bath. Maybe she was remembering the bully.

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