Orna's First Swim
Today we got to do one of the things I've been looking forward through almost from the moment I found out I was pregnant. Go swimming! We decided to go to Pingles Leisure Centre in Nuneaton, as they have a proper baby pool (and also, because the name is rather amusing...). I ordered a wetsuit over a month ago, and after the first one being eaten in the post it finally arrived midweek. The swimming costume is one of the most garish things I've ever seen, but there was a fairly limited choice of colours. She didn't seem to mind much though. As the sun was shining, we had a little go in the outdoor pool, and after getting a bit chilly finished off in the jacuzzi. She seemed to enjoy it, lasting a whole half hour before starting to get a little bit whingy because she was hungry.
Before we went I did wonder how on earth a swim nappy worked and managed to keep wee out of the pool - I had looked at buying a re-usable swim nappy but thought that with the costume and wetsuit it was just another thing that would be grown out of really quickly, and also, how would it keep wee in? Turns out they are just poo stoppers (thankfully this was not put to the test), almost makes you wonder why they tell people not to wee in the pool...
It was also the first time I used shampoo on her, I'd been a bit dubious about smothering her in unnecessary chemicals but the week before bought some Nature Babycare ECO stuff. It seems nice, her hair is lovely and fluffy now! I wonder what firsts tomorrow will bring?
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