Thursday, 24 May 2012

A day at home (or look at my nappy stash part 1)

Today we've been stuck at home. I had planned to go to the group in Earlsdon, but Orn has either been fast asleep or absolutely starving all day (12 week growth spurt? If babies are late do these fall when they "should" have been born?), and it didn't seem fair to take her out just because I wanted to leave the house. This morning a letter arrived telling me I'd had her tongue tie cut on the 8th, which is weird because I was there and I remember it, but in fun post PINK OWLS arrived (from here) :-D Along with the ribbons to make a taggy if only I had some pins.

So while she was asleep, I thought I'd do a nappy inventory and here is a photo of the clean and dry parts of the "stash":
My favourites here are the Pop-Ins. The New Generation are so cute, and (boring but incredibly functional Little Lambs aside) they're my only nappy so far that haven't given a single leak. The original is a smidge more bulky, but just as good. The Bumgenius Freetime is also great (though has given me one leak), and people rave about the V4 pockets so I bought those last week (from Nappy Go Lucky). Not tried them out yet as the inserts have only had one pre-wash (plus the insert from the "Bubble" coloured one arrived with a broken popper so we're waiting for a replacement which isn't really a reason not to use it as she'll be fine with the newborn insert).

Yesterday marked the first full weak in cloth nappies, quite a milestone! In that week we've only had two (wee) leaks which I'm quite pleased with. Now, in order to actually save money, I just need to stop buying them!

And now, yet again, it's time to express. I wonder if cows get fed up of milking time?

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