Sunday 29 July 2012

Orna's first football match!

And what an exciting day it was! At 12:15, we toddled off towards town with Orna in the carrier to get the bus up to the City of Coventry Stadium *cough* Ricoh Arena *cough*. We got our shuttle bus under the ring road and away we went! 

We got to the arena, had our bags thoroughly searched then went in. The great big steps up to the seats seemed positively enormous with the extra weight of a baby strapped to my front but somehow I made it up there.

Orn was brilliant, she slept for most of the first match, woke up and had a bit of a shout after a goal (not sure if she was happy for Mexico, or, like me, sad fo Gabon). After the first match I ventured off to find somewhere to change her and had to ask a lot of people for the key to the changing room. I then tried to express in there too, but could hear a queue building up outside that really put me off. I returned Orn to Daddy, and went off to the ladies to do the other side.

She was more awake during the next match (S. Korea vs Switzerland), and at half time I underwent a somewhat misguided attempt to change her nappy on the seat which resulted in her a) screaming and b) banging her head and screaming more. Ah well, you live and learn. 

We finally got home at 8ish, what a long day for all involved.

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