Monday, 4 July 2011

28 hours later

At school, in the small number of "sex education" type lessons we had, they hammered home that if you don't use protection, you'll get pregnant. Real life though, suggests that this is a lie. You don't have to look far to find forums full of people desperately trying to get themselves knocked up, figures vary in telling you that it takes on average 5 months to get pregnant up to 9 months. It seems then, almost "safe" to assume it won't happen to you. I (and in fact we) are at the "don't believe it" stage. It's not denial of an "oh my god this isn't happening" level, just a general "seems a bit too convinient" feeling. In fact, I'm amazed. It also shows that the morning after pill works (I'd always been faintly convinced infertility was the reason that a surprise baby never followed taking it). The regular pill also works (see above).

Now may also be the time to offer explanation on the title, it isn't a huge mistake (nor am I even sure you can use the term "accident" if you knew it was a possibility). But accident it will be. This isn't something unwanted, it just hasn't come after years of desperate hoping, or any concentrated effort. I may not be particularly excited, but that's due to the "not believing" feeling. I'm also a pessimist, not a worrier though, I just always tend to err on the side of caution. Last week I read an article stating that 1/4 pregnancies end in miscarriage, which I didn't think was that bad. Further reading tells me that this doesn't include "missed" miscarriage, and only counts from implantation onwards, which is a little scarier. The second horrific statistic was that if a man is over 40, this risk is raised to 33% (not by 33%, though it really was a badly written piece).

The BBC also posted up this happy(?) story. It's time to stop reading I think.

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