Thursday, 14 June 2012

New toys!

I've been finding lugging the camera around along with the bag of changing stuff a bit much, so I wanted to buy a new, smaller camera. We went to Jessops to buy one, and got passport photos done for Orna at the same time. They weren't really set up for babies, they have a white screen and a stool, I sat her up on it with just a hand behind her and she looked so proud. The man said that he'd taken pictures of a 15 week old recently, and it was tricky as it was small and floppy. He seemed shocked when I said Orn is only 13 weeks, what a strong girl she is.

We then popped to get her some plastic tat, I bought her a Fisher Price plastic noisy camera, the seahorse that everyone is raving about to help babies sleep, a kicking piano thing to encourage her to use her legs (I'm not sure she needs encouraging!!) and a noisy plastic triangular thing. No doubt I'll regret those soon enough! I took her out in the carrycot, and it didn't take too long for her to remind me that she does not appreicate lying flat and being unable to look around. I decided we'd get the bus home, as the pram was now laden with stuff, it ended up being 15 minutes late and was only a single decker (at school kicking out time!). Getting off was interesting, and involved 5 or 6 people getting off first to let us out, then getting back on. Oops!

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