Sunday, 18 March 2012

Poorly-eye baby (and Flail gets a name)

Since she was born she has had a goopy eye. It had been getting steadily worse, and the hospital took a swab before discharging her. By 9pmish last night there was full on oozy green ick, and it looked so red and swollen. She was distraught and wouldn't stop crying, I was distraught and wouldn't stop crying so off we went to the walk in clinic and got the last appointment of the day. At the clinic you fill in a form with name, so there she is, Orna Alice. The screening nurse pronounced it Or-neigh, and I was a bit afraid to correct her in case we were the ones saying it wrong. Unsurprisingly, given the sticky green nature of the eye she has an infection, and has to have drops for 5 days. By the time we got out, the chemist at the clinic had closed, so we asked where the nearest 24 hour one was, and were told "just up the road". Cue Mike trying the door of two chemists "just" up the road with all their lights on but locked doors, then at the very end of the very long road we find one that is actually open.

She seems a lot happier now with the eye drops, and how cute are her monkey shoes?

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